News and Events
Character Development Chapel Speaker Series Shows Character Matters Everywhere
May 26, 2023
The monthly Character Development Chapel Speaker Series for all Cadets aims to expound on the Character Development Cornerstone. For the spring series, Honesty and Integrity are the topics brought home to VFMAC Cadets.
In March, Professor Anne Patricia Minicozzi, MA, MFA, assistant teaching professor at Villanova University spoke on the truth about honesty. In her remarks to the Cadets, she talked about how honesty is more than just what is truthful and what is not, but also includes authenticity with self and others.
Her remarks referenced the Cadet Pledge, in which honesty is an integral element. She provided five examples of how one can be honest or not, with oneself and with others, citing Pontius Pilate, St. Augustine, VFMAC graduates Wes Moore and Kareem Rosser, as well as a character from her newest play, “The Glove.”
Cadets then discussed and shared examples from their own lives. They asked insightful and thought-provoking questions, furthering the exploration of honesty.
“Honesty and Truth are closely related,” said Professor Minicozzi. “Acknowledging that what sometimes is called ‘truth’ is not always so means we all need to seek out many sources of information to help us determine what is really true. Next, we can check it against what we know to be true, based on community values. That the VFMAC community has rules and even a pledge can guide Cadets to seek truth as they learn and grow.”
The Character Development Chapel Speaker Series is a longstanding and ongoing program of perennial value that builds campus culture and institutional strength. Programs are developed in collaboration among VFMAC senior leadership comprising Dr. Robert Smith, VFMC Provost, Dr. Jesse Phillips, Dean of College Services, Mr. Sean Chambers, Associate Professor of English & Assistant Dean for College Faculty, Garrison Sergeant Major William Mott, OBE MVO (Ret), Commandant of Cadets, and LtCol Tracey Hartley, Assistant Commandant of Cadets & Director of College Enrollment. Prior speakers have included such notables as best-selling author Jonathan Coleman and Philadelphia mayoral candidate Derek Green, Esq.
“This program is intended to show our Cadets that the Cornerstones, specifically that of Character Development, have meaning long after they graduate from VFMAC,” said Garrison Sergeant Major William Mott, OBE MVO (Ret), Commandant of Cadets. “Honesty is more than just telling the truth. It also means being authentic in circumstances and accepting your truth may not be someone else’s.”
Integrity is the theme of the April Character Development program. Reverend Carolyn Cavaness, Pastor at the Bethel AME Church in Ardmore, PA was April’s guest speaker. She told Cadets is being who you are at all times and not just in public. She reminded everyone it is important to help those who don’t have a voice or platform.
Character Development programs will continue in the Fall.